Network Fantasy Football League Rules 



                                                           RULE  #1


                                     LEAGUE OWNERS AND NUMBER OF TEAMS


a) When you join the NFFL Fantasy League you become an Owner of your own team.


b) Each Owner will pick a current NFL TEAM to have as your "HOME TEAM" ONLY. 


c) Each Owner's team  is like a team you invest in year to year. You make ALL decisions on Picking players, Trades and Drafting.


d) 8 Owners, You can come into the League with a Co-Owner also, NO MORE than two Owners per team.


e) 8 Teams, 4 Teams in (NFC) Southwest Division, And 4 teams in (AFC) Northeast Division.


f) NO MORE THEN 8 teams in our league.




                                                           RULE #2


                                                NFFL LEAGUE FEE $25.00


a) The fee for this league is $25.00 Per team, (League fee WILL NEVER  go up , unless you Owners want to raise the fee).  The total is $200.00 in the pot. 


b) Any NEW Owner taking over a  Owners team that dropped out, will pay the FULL $25.00, because he is getting a team with good players already.


c) ALL winnings will be given to the NFFL Owners who won money, the week AFTER the NFL Superbowl game or by MARCH 31ST


d) Expansions teams will pay $25.00 for their first year in the League like we current Members pay, because they are getting a PRE-MADE TEAM with GOOD POINT PLAYERS already on their team... *NO MORE EXPANSION RIGHT NOW


* The League fee may went up in 2017 to $25.00 ALL Owners voted yes to raise the fee....




                                                           RULE #3


                                          $200.00 WINNINGS BREAKDOWN


1st Overall Total Points Winner (NFC/AFC Team)- $60.00    

2nd Overall Total Points Winner (NFC/AFC Team)-$15.00    

3rd Overall Total Points Winner (NFC/AFC) Team-$5.00      


1st Place in Division to each Division winner NFC/AFC- $20.00 


Winning Divisional Playoff Game (NFC/AFC) and advancing to Conference Championship game-$10.00 each. *(Playoff Game between Teams that finished 2nd and 3rd in their Division)


Winning the Conference Championship Game NFC/AFC-$15.00 


Network Fantasy Football Champion Winner-$20.00 and Championship Trophy a Championship Ring 

Network Fantasy Football Championship Runner Up $10.00 


*NOTE 1 team Owner can possibly win a total of $115.00 in the season year.

By winning most points overall, ($60.00) finishing 1st place in their Division ($20.00) and winning the Conference Title Playoff game ($15.00) and Winning the PNMB Championship Game ($20.00)




                                                         RULE #4


                                      14 GAME SEASON    (THE 15 WEEK )


a) The season is a 14 game season, ALL teams will  played 14 games (Week 15). to add up the points.


b) First place winners in each Division (NFC/AFC) will get a Bye in the first round of the playoffs


c) Two Playoffs games will be played they will start on the 15th game of the season Week 16. Both (NFC/AFC)


d) Conference Playoff Game will be played game 16 (Week 17)


e) ALL TEAMS MUST OF PLAYED 15,16,17 TOTAL GAMES. (because the season has 18 weeks because of teams bye weeks...


f) NFFL Championship game will be on the 17th game of the season (Week 18), ALL teams must of played 17 games (Week 18) before points will be added up.


g) If Teams are tied in points at the end of the 14 game season then the teams with the better "HOME TEAM" record will decide who is ahead.  


*See Rule # 20 on playoffs




                                                          RULE #5 




a) All Owners MUST participate in all team activities ,like making moves when nessessary and answering e-mail sent out to them, or answering phone calls (when called) from the league. Absentee ownership of franchise is NOT allowed.


b) The Commissioner Can replace an Owner who is not parcticipating during the season at any time. The Commissioner will RUN ANY TEAM making moves and decisions on that team if an Owner quits during the season until he finds a replacement.


c) If the Commissioner has to run a team vaccaded by an Owner the Commissioner when making decisions on Free Agents or Injury Replacements will take a player with the HIGHEST points at that position he needs to making the decision on.




                                                         RULE #6                                                    


                                                     TEAM ROSTERS


a) Teams will have a total of 32 players on the team, 16 Offense and 16 Defense

b) 3 Quarterbacks, 4 Running backs, 4 Wide Receivers, 3 Tight Ends, 2 Kickers.

c) 4 Defensive Linemen, 4 Linebackers, 4 Cornerbacks, 4 Free Safety's.


d) You must have 1 player from your HOME TEAM (the name of your team) per position on your starting roster. You can use up to 2 HOME TEAM players per position if you want (at the 8th week of the season ONLY)


e) Final Starting Rosters have to be in 3 days before the first game of the season.


f) Player DROPS will have to be reported any time the season is over or by SEPTEMBER 2ND.


g) If I don't get your teams drops by SEPTEMBER 2ND you WILL have to keep that player or players until After the 2 game free agent pick up period.

(Even if that Player is Suspended, hurt, or out for the season)


h) Players CAN NOT Be dropped at the time of the Draft. 


i) If you find out a Player you have has SWITCHED positions DURING or AFTER the season, like-LB to DTEL, CB to FS, CB to LB, or any other position change. You can move that player to his new position, and drop the player that is in that position, or drop the player that moved to that NEW position and pick up a NEW player at the position he moved from. You can do this as soon as you find out, up until the 6th game of the season. And the next season if you keep that player, you HAVE to move that player to his new position if he stays at that new position. (THIS WILL NOT COUNT AS A *PR PLAYER)




                                                         RULE  #7


                                                       "HOME TEAM"


a) Your HOME TEAM, is the team you pick in a current NFL CITY to have as your TEAM only.


b) You can only pick a NFL team in your Conference ONLY. NFC Conference NFC teams only, and AFC Conference AFC teams only


c) Once you choose a location for your team you can't move your team for 2 SEASONS. Then it will take a majority vote from other Owners (in your Division only) to agree on you moving your team to another city.


d) You have to have at least 1 PLAYER at each position from the HOME TEAM  you pick, you can have up to 2 PLAYERS from your HOME TEAM per position on your team  (During the 8th Week),




f) Each Owners HOME TEAM will have also Depth Chart players on your Home page. this is like your HOME TEAM replacement players. They are YOUR PLAYERS ONLY


g) On your HOME TEAM you can replace a player or players from YOUR HOME TEAMS DEPTH CHART as many times you want up untill the 7th Week. After the 8th Week NO MORE moves.


h) A Player OUT FOR THE SEASON or Injured (Not Playing) more then 2 games on Your HOME TEAM (ONLY) can be replaced with another player on your HOME TEAMS Depth Chart up until the 8 week of the season.




                                                           RULE #8


                                                     EXPANSION TEAMS


a) Expansion Teams- If the League ever expands we will expand ONLY 2 more teams, 1 in each Conference. So that will make it 4 teams (NFC) and 4 Teams (AFC). That will be the most we will EVER expand to. It will take a 5 out of 6 votes to pass.


b) New League Owners will get a PRE-MADE TEAM already in a City that they choose or that was given to them by the Commissioner to take over, 1 in the NFC and 1 in the AFC.


c) The newly form expansion team will parcipate in the up coming draft but will draft last because they didn't play in the season pryor to coming into the league. Plus they are already getting a pre-made team.


d) New expansion Owners can replace the players that were given to them by the Commissioner if they want a different player. Right Away or Before the Draft.


e) The Commissioner will pick a City that he knows won't effect other current members current roster as much. Like one or two players. New Owners can move thier team the following year with a Majority vote 4 out of 4 in their Division if they want.


f) If a Current Team Owner loses a player or players to an Expansion teams HOME TEAM, because he has a player currently on his team, that Team Owner can pick up a player right away in the free agent pool. It will go in the order of how you finished after the season if two owners need a player at the same position, Last to first will pick 1st.


g) Current Owners losing a player or players (NO MORE THAN 2) can NOT NEGOCIATE with that NEW Owner for players or Draft picks, he has to pick up a player from the free agent pool.


* Note-There will NOT BE Any Expansion teams After 8 Teams.




                                                          RULE #9




a) If you ever want to move your HOME TEAM, it will take ALL other Owners in that Conference (NFC or AFC) 4 out of 4 votes in each Division to vote for where you can move to, being that we have players already on those teams you might want to move to. Current teams must stay in the City they are in for 2 YEARS. After 2 years in a city you are eligible to move to another city with a 4 out of 4 vote. If voted to move, you CAN'T MOVE AGAIN for another 2 YEARS.

Note: the Commissioner can APPROVE a move after if Owner has good reason to move, or TWO Owners agree on tranding their "HOME TEAM" to another Owner. A move like this has to be a UNANIMOUS note by ALL 8 Owners.


b) All Owners who want to move their HOME TEAM, must submit their request to relocate in the FEBRUARY 1ST. You also can submit your request as soon as the season is over. If Two Owners want to move in the same year, and BOTH want to move to the same city, the team with the MOST PLAYERS on their roster from that city gets awarded that city.


c) The NFFL league Commissioner will charge a fee ($5) for relocation to move YOUR "HOME TEAM"...The Reason on the fee is because it takes a lot of work to change a Owners home page and Some Owners don't like to lose players they already have. So a moving fee may discourage Owners from moving every three years. That $5 fee will be paid along with your $25.00 league fee, and will be added to the $30.00 Championship game winnings. 

**The $5 fee is WAIVED if you are a NEW  Owner taking over a team from an excising Owners team that quit after the season. 


d) If all Owners in your Conference agree for you to move, then you can protect and keep 4 players from your HOME TEAM you are moving from, (if you choose too) 2 Offensive players and 2 Defensive Players ONLY. All the rest of your former HOME TEAM players go into the free agency pool.

e) If a player YOU OWN ALREADY gets picked up or traded to the team your moving from during March FREE AGENT PERIOD that NEW players does not have to count as one of your 4 picks. You automactily get to KEEP that player. Or if you protected a players as one of your 4 you wanted to keep and that player get traded or signed to a DIFFERENT CONFERENCE (NFC/AFC). Then you CAN NOT pick up another player, you will have to wait until we draft in September. 


f) Some Owners may have players on their current roster from the city that you want to move to, If that happens the Owner can negotiate on taking one of your players from that position they lost or offering you a replacement player at that position or another position. Or offering you DRAFT PICKS at the draft, EXTRA PLAYERS and even a CASH settlement.

*A Owner that loses a player or players because you move to a team he had players on, don't like what another Owner is offering, will have the option to pick up a FREE AGENT player instantly (AT THAT POSITION ONLY) without waiting until the league draft in September. Or have the option in picking 1ST pick in our league draft AT THAT POSITION ONLY.


g) When negotiating with other Owners who might have a player or players on their current roster from a team that you are wanting to move to, the Owner wanting to move can use the chart (AVERAGE, GOOD, GREAT) on a players rating to help him figure on how much to offer that Owner on that player you may have. 


h) If two Owners can't agree on players or draft picks in trade to settle The Owner from moving, then and ONLY then can the Commissioner step in and award the Owner or Owners who are blocking the other Owner from moving his team, a player or players or Draft picks to settle the move.


i) If you receive a player from a Owner that he gave you in order to move, and that player DOES NOT SIGN with the team you have him on and becomes a free agent, and you LOSE that player to the other conference (NFC/AFC) you have the option in picking up a FREE AGENT 

(AT THAT POSITION ONLY) right away, or wait until the draft.


j) If a current Owner DON'T Have any players on the HOME TEAM you are wanting to move too, That Owner can NOT block you from moving your team with a NO vote, or negotiate with that Owner for players or draft picks to get your vote for you wanting to move. 


k) If there are NO players that are owned by other Owners in the NFL City you want to move too, then, you DO NOT need a vote to move to that NFL city.


l) If you get the votes to move, you cannot move your team again for another 2 years

Note: The Commissioner can APPROVE a move after 1 year if Owner request it


m) No other Owner can move to the City you moved from for 2 years,

**UNLESS BOTH Owners agree on trading their "HOME TEAM" to another Owner.




                                                          RULE #10




a) All proposed rules can be presented to Commissioner Angelo J. Venegoni, I will present it to Our League Owners to vote on in an e-mail.


b) If I believe that your proposed rule does not benifit our league I will not present it to the league, unless you get two other Owners who want the rule you proposed to be voted on.




                                                          RULE  #11




a) The NFFL Fantasy League is Adopting the three-fourths rule  in voting on ALL rule proposals.

*note-Some organizations reguire a three-fourths vote instead of two-thirds 0r Majority in certain types of rule changes These organizatins want to know that MOST of the Owners agree with a proposed rule. They believe the the more that are in favor of any proposal, the better the cooperation they will get in carrying out what is adopted. An easy way figure this vote is to remember that every no vote needs three yes votes.


b) So if 7 Owners out of our 8 (75%) members vote for a NEW rule to pass or to fail, then the rule will be passed, or failed.


c) So our Fantasy League all proposed votes will be a three-fourths vote on ALL proposed votes. Because I feel that it is not fair that 1 member can stop any kind of proposed vote when 7 other Owners would vote the other way.




                                                           RULE  #12




a) The Team with the MOST OFFENSIVE POINTS wins if any teams have the same amount of TOTAL points at the end of 14 games.


b) If for any reason two or more teams have the same amount of offensive points, then the team with MOST TOUCHDOWNS wins...Both Offense and Defensive touchdowns


c) If two teams are still tied (with same amount TD) then the team with the HIGHEST SCORING PLAYER wins...


d) If two or more teams Have the same amount of points in the Standings, Then the HOME TEAM Record will decide where you are in the Standings. *(This is for the Standings ONLY) 




                                                         RULE  #13


                                                    OUR LEAGUE DRAFT


In Private Leagues with a Live Draft, the participant who initially sets up the live draft ("League Commissioner") will select a date and time when the league will draft. The League Commissioner may change this date and time at any time up until two days prior to the start of the draft. You will be notified via e-mail by NFFL of such changes to the date and time of your Live Draft. The Draft  will be conducted over the phone and the Commissioner will be calling every Owner when it is thier turn to draft. The Draft will be held EVERY YEAR on the 1st Monday thru Wednesday of the first week of SEPTEMBER, following the 3rd NFL pre-season games.


a) ALL Owners must have their FINAL roster submitted, meaning all the players you are KEEPING and DROPPING what players you are drafting by the last SUNDAY by 7:00 pm before the week we are having our draft. Our League Draft will be on the first MONDAY-WENDESDAY of SEPTEMBER every year. Owners can start DROPPING PLAYERS on AUGUST 1st if you choose to

*(All players dropped must be dropped by  7:00 pm on the FIRST SUNDAY IN SEPTEMBER)


a) Team in last place in Divisions drafts 1st in EVERY position round, then Reverse Order.


b) NFC and AFC will be having separate player drafts, but either on the same day or a different day, because NFC can draft ONLY NFC players and AFC can draft ONLY AFC players so drafting all at once won't effect your drafting.


c) We will draft by position players, round after round. (QB, then RB, then WR, TE, PK, DTEL, LB, CB, FS)


d) After the team that finished last makes his first pick in each position round, we will then go in REVERSE ORDER


e) Rounds are determined by how many players are needed at that position.


f) Owners CAN NOT draft College Players still Playing in College , they can only draft current NFL players playing in the NFL. Owners Can Draft College Players After They Are Drafted By A NFL Team And Play in The NFL.


g) Owners CAN NOT DRAFT a player that is SUSPENDED or INJURED for the FIRST 7 GAMES or MORE of the season. If that player is SUSPENDED or INJURED for only the FIRST 1-6 GAMES then you CAN draft that player.


h) NFC/AFC OWNERS CAN NOT trade their 1st round draft picks for current players during our league draft PERIOD. 




                                                         RULE  #14




a) Some Owners may lose players on their roster through NFL Trades in the off season or FREE AGENCY on MARCH 17th, meaning, you may have a player on your team that goes to another conference team (NFC or AFC), If that happens you can replace that player on JUNE 1ST from the Free Agency Pool , or you can wait until  the you draft in September. But if that free agent player signs with another team in your same conference (NFC or AFC) you keep him. If that player goes to another Owners "HOME TEAM" then you lose that player. You can replace that player on RIGHT AWAY or wait until our Draft. 

*The starting date for Picking Up LOST PLAYERS WILL be the JUNE 1ST (in 2022) deadline is the end of March which is JUNE 3oth.


b) If TWO or MORE OWNERS lost a player at the SAME POSITION the order of picking up a lost player will be hoe you finished in the standings


c) Some players get traded in March or later to the other conference (NFC/AFC) if that happens you can replace that player (STARTING JUNE 1ST) or wait until the draft. ** Deadline for that is JUNE 30th.


d) Owners CAN NOT PICK UP a player that is SUSPENDED or INJURED for the FIRST 7 GAMES or MORE of the season. If that player is SUSPENDED or INJURED for only the FIRST 1-6 GAMES then you CAN Pick up that player.


e) If a Owner lost a players at the same position that another Owner lost a player at, the Pick up Free Agent Order will be how you finished in the Standings. If you are picking 1st you MUST decide within TWO days when it's your turn, STARTING JUNE 1ST deadline is JUNE 30th), or the next Owner goes next. If NO other Owner lost a player at the position you lost a player then you can go right away.

*JUNE 1ST is the starting date For Owners to pick up Free Agents for losing a player. If you STILL have a player NOT picked up on MAY 1st you have UNTIL JUNE 30th to still pick up a player. If that player STILL hasn't signed with another team  by the deadline, then you will have to wait until our league draft in September.


f) If a player on your HOME TEAM gets traded, or signs with another team in the other conference (NFC/AFC) you LOSE THAT PLAYER PERIOD. You have to replace that player with a HOME TEAM player ONLY.


g) IF your HOME TEAM player signs with another team (Not a Owners HOME TEAM) in the SAME CONFERENCE (NFC/AFC) you can KEEP that player if you want, but you would have to drop a player at that same position to make room for the player or players you are wanting to keep. 


h) If the player you lose goes to another Owners HOME TEAM in the NFC or AFC  Either traded or was signed in free agency, you can replace that player RIGHT AWAY In The Free Agent Pool or wait till our league Draft. You CAN NOT take a player from a Owners Team who gets your player because your player went to another Owners  HOME TEAM team. 

*This ANDRETIRED PLAYER are the ONLY time you can pick up a player RIGHT AWAY 


i) If you own a "HOME TEAM" HOLD OUT player that didn't sign with your "HOME TEAM" and sits the whole year out, and that player signs with another team after 1 year of sitting out you STILL have that players rights if he signs with the same conference (NFC/AFC).


j) All Owners That Lose Players During this Free Agency Time in March can start picking up players starting JUNE 1ST and have Up JUNE 30TH To Decide If They want To Replace That Lost Player. If You Don't Take A Player by JUNE 30TH That You Lost, Then You Will Have To Wait Until Our League Draft In September to Replace That Lost Player.


k) If you have a Free Agent player that is still a free agent and hasn't signed with another team by JULY 31ST you will have to wait until our draft in September to pick up a player at that position.

*You can hold on to a FREE AGENT player  that you had after a 14 game season until you find out in March what NFL team that player will sign with. If he signs with another team in your Conference (NFC/AFC) then you can keep that player.


l) NO ROOKIES (in GOLD) (1st Year Players) Players Can be Picked Up During This March Free Agency Period, Not Even After They are Drafted By An NFL Team. College Players Drafted By The NFL Can Only Be Drafted At Our League Draft.  Only NFL Current Players in our free agency page can Be Picked Up During This Time.




                                                           RULE #15




a) After The NFL Draft in APRIL, the month of June through July 1st is considered the off season for NFL players. So ANY Players you have during this time gets hurt, arrested, suspended for taking PED's, goes to jail etc. These players CAN NOT be replaced right away. Owners will have to make a decision to keep that player or drop him. You will have to wait until we Draft in September to pick up another player.

*You can ONLY replace a player if something happens to your player during the season.


b) During the NFL Training Camps if you have a player on your roster and he gets hurt or suspended, traded to another conference (NFC/AFC), dropped, etc. again you CAN NOT pick up a player right away. Again you will have to wait until we draft in September if you drop that player.


c) If you have a player that RETIRED after the season, you CAN PICK UP A PLAYER RIGHT AWAY   BEFORE the Free Angency Period MARCH 17th to make any decision on what to do with that player you lost. You have the option in picking up a player RIGHT AWAY or wait until JUNE 1ST or the Draft in September. You have until JUNE 30TH to decide.

*A RETIRE PLAYER and Player TRADED to another Owners "HOME TEAM" are the ONLY times you can pick up a player RIGHT AWAY.


d) The order of Multible Owners losing players (BEFORE MARCH 17th) at the same position will be what Owner lost that player first and so on. 


e) The Month Of FEBRUARY and MAY there will be NO Transactions  made during this time, this is considered the OFF SEASON for our league.

*Exception to the Owners who lost a player or players BEFORE MARCH 17th they can contact the Commissioner during the month of JUNE....




                                                          RULE  #16


                                    TRADES BETWEEN NFFL LEAGUE OWNERS 


a) Trades between League Owners can be made BEFORE the season, AFTER the season and BEFORE or on the 8th week of the season. NO TRADES can be made between Owners after the 8th week.


b) You CAN NOT trade a player for his draft order during our league draft in September.


c) You can make a trade with another team in your division only. (NFC ONLY/AFC ONLY)


d) You CANNOT trade a player from your "HOME TEAM" to another Owner PERIOD.


e) Trades can only be made from players that play at the same position during the season ONLY (up until the 8th week).


f) After the season or before the season starts you can trade ANY player (except HOME TEAM players) at any position, it don't have to be the same position.


g) You CAN NOT trade a player for another Owners FREE AGENT picking order.


h) During the season before the 7 week, and you know that player is coming back by the 6th week and after the season, or before the season starts. if you have an injured player you can trade that injured player to an Owner for another player at the same position only.


**Note starting in 2025 there will be NO TRADES Between Owners DURING the season, ONLY OFF SEASON TRADES ONLY



                                                           RULE  #17




a) You can make TWO moves per season after Week 4, and Week 7, Picking up players will go in the order of the team with the LOWEST amount of points in each conference, (NFC and AFC), they will go first and so on. I will send out an e-mail or call  all Owners after 4 Weeks and 7 Weeks, asking if they want to make a move or not. If you DON'T Respond in ONE DAY The next teams in the picking order will go ahead of you, same applies to you. If you missed your 1st pick, you can then pick after the other 3 teams picked. Because we can't wait more then ONE DAY of notice. All moves made you will have to make by SUNDAY at 12:00 Noon


b) 1 PLAYER CAN BE SELECTED AT ONE TIME, once you pick your 1 player then it will be the next teams turn, then the next team. You can take a player from ANY position. 

*You can PASS in the first round and wait until your turn again, because you might want to see what players the other Owners are dropping that you may want. BUT if you pass TWICE then you ARE DONE. Or you can just say I am not making ANY moves at this free agent period.


c) ALSO Remember once you make a move at that position you can't make another move at that position again (unless the player you picked up gets INJURED or NOT PLAYING, or you replace that player with a HOME TEAM Player). If your replacing a player from HOME TEAM you can do that as many times as you want up until the 8th Week. You can also drop a player at any position  ONLY 1 per position. That Player will be marked with an (*PR) to show that you made a move at that position.


d) During the 8th Week  ONLY, you can replace a NFL player on your starting team with (ONE) of your HOME TEAM players from your HOME TEAM DEPTH CHART PLAYERS at One Position. So now you would have (TWO) HOME TEAM players at one position. THIS IS NOT A REPLACEMENT PLAYER. In other words, as long as the player is on your HOME TEAM, this is the ONLY time you can use TWO HOME TEAM players at one position. This HOME TEAM player can replace ANY other player you have at that position, Injury, and Replacement players, Suspended player, or a player having a bad season, if you decide too use this option.

ONLY and ONLY this can be done DURING the 8th Week  period, that's when you can decide to use TWO HOME TEAM players at one position.


e) *You CANNOT start a season with TWO "HOME TEAM" players**.


f) If a player gets injured and is out at least 2 games from the team you have, (no players can be replaced for minor injuries, or just out 1 game) you can replace that player with a different player up to the 8th week games.

Or if you just want to replace a player on your team that is not having a good start, you can replace that player with another a player at that position in WEEK 4 or WEEK 7 only. 


g) You can ONLY make a change one time per position during the season, unless it is your HOME TEAM  player you can replace that player or players from YOUR HOME TEAMS DEPT CHART as many times you want up until the 8th Week.


h) After WEEK 4 and Week 7 of the season NO PLAYERS can be replace on your current team for having just bad start. You or stuck with that player for the season. 


i) You can only Pick up Free Agent players in what ever conference you are in. (Example) NFC teams can pick up ONLY NFC free agent players. AFC teams ONLY AFC free agent players


j) After the season starts you can't make a roster move until AFTER the 3rd Week, all players must play at least 3 games before they can be dropped


k) Players OUT FOR THE SEASON or out 2-8 weeks can be replaced RIGHT AWAY as long as it is annouced that the player is out for that time period, (up until the 8th Week)


l) If your team didn't make a move in WEEK 4 the next time you can make a move is after the 7th Week, again I will send out e-mails asking. Then the final time you can make a roster move will be after the 7th Week. Then after the 7th Week NO MORE FREE AGENT MOVES CAN BE MADE..

ALL MOVES have to be made prior to the following game, so you will have to have your moves by SUNDAY by 12:00 noon. 


m) If a player on your team gets traded during the season to the other Conference(NFC/AFC) before the 7th Week then you can pick up another player right away.


n) THERE WILL BE NO TANKING DURING THE 7th WEEK ONLY OF FREE AGENCY PERIOD. You can't pick up or BRING up a player on your "HOME TEAM" Depth Chart team or any REPLACEMENT PLAYER with 20 or more LESS points then the player you currently have, UNLESS you have a Benched player, Not Starting Player, Suspended player.

*This is for teams in 3rd or 4th place ONLY.


o) After the 8 WEEK NO MORE MOVES can be made on your Current Roster, injured, benched, Suspended, Retired, etc.




                                                          RULE  #18




a) You CAN pick up a suspended player, or INJURED PLAYER, or Hold out players, BEFORE the 7th Week, ONLY if you know that player is coming back BEFORE the end of the season or on the 8th Week, 9th Week, etc, Players must be back BEFORE or on Week 14.


b) During The 8th Week After I go through ALL Teams Points (NFC/AFC) If you have ANY player that is or was INJURED  before or on the 7th week, you can replace that player RIGHT AWAY. You can also replace ANY player with a HOME TEAM PLAYER (up to two per position) during this 8th Week Period. AFTER THE 8TH WEEK NO MORE MOVES CAN BE MADE PERIOD.


c) If a player you own gets INJURED on 8th week of games after the 6th week Free Agency Period, you can replace that player.


d) If a player is out for the season or won't be back by the 14 Week of the Season, NO OWNER can pick up that player, just to have him on your roster.


e) Injured players out 2 GAMES or more can be replaced ANY time up to the 7th week, after that NO INJURED PLAYER CAN BE REPLACED, unless a player you own gets hurt right on the 8th week, or a player was out on the 7th week game and you didn't know if he would be out for the 8th week and you find out he will be out on the 8th week also, then you can replace that player. 


f) Once your injured Players is dropped, you lose that player. You cannot protect that injured player. That injured player goes back into the free agent list.


g) Injured players DO NOT count toward your 1 position player move. You will see a (*IR) next to the player to let you know he was a injury replacement player.


h) If you want to bring your PROTECTED PLAYER back on your roster you have until the 8th WEEK to make that decision. That PROTECTED PLAYER  can replace any other player at that POSITION ONLY.


i) No OUT FOR THE SEASON players can be picked up, that player must be returning by the 7th Week of the season.


j) IF you own a Hold Out Player or a player that is just not playing, or is benched, that player will count as an NOT PLAYING Player . So you can drop that player AFTER 2 GAMES and pick up another player any time before free agency period ends at 7 Weeks. That move will NOT count as a PLAYER REPLACEMENT Player move it will count as an NOT PLAYING Player.

**NOT PLAYING players Owners who have them will wait until the other Owners who have injured players go first, then they can pick up another player. As Commissioner I know when a player is NOT PLAYING or not by the points that player should be getting at the Position he is playing.


k) If the NFL's trading deadline comes after the 8th week on the 9th week and you lose a player to the other conference (NFC/AFC) you can still replace that player right away. (New in 2021, becaues the NFL's trades came on Tuesday, after the 9th week of games)




                                                         RULE  #19




 a) On NOVEMBER 5th the NFL has their trading deadline, where ALL NFL teams can make mid season trades(8 games). So in Our case where we are in Week 9 where ALL moves were final after Week 8. But if you have a player that gets traded to another team in your Conference(NFC/AFC) you keep that player, PERIOD. If that player gets traded to the other Conference (NFC/AFC) then you can replace that player RIGHT AWAY with a player in your Conference.


b) If have a player on your roster that's get traded on the NFL Trading deadline (or before) you will have the option of keeping that player if he goes to the same conference team (NFC/AFC) or dropping that player if you don't like the team he went to, and picking up a free agent player to replace that player traded.



c) If you have a "HOME TEAM" player traded during this time, then you have to replace your "HOME TEAM" player with another "HOME TEAM" player from your Depth chart if that player gets traded to the other Conference (NFC/AFC). If that "HOME TEAM" player gets traded to the same conference, you can keep that player and drop another player on your team at that position. This is for if the "HOME TEAM" player that was traded was a STARTER on your roster ONLY, not if he was in your "HOME TEAM" Depth Chart.




                                                             RULE #20




                                     ( BOTH OFFENCE AND DEFENSE )  


a) Owners can PROTECT PLAYER (*PP) 1 Player BEFORE the Draft and during FREE AGENT PERIOD you might want to relace with a DIFFERENT PROTECTED PLAYER that you might want. ( 1 PLAYER ONLY ) 


b) This PROTECTED PLAYER is like having an EXTRA PLAYER in your protected list to maybe replace one of your starters on your roster that might be having a slow start or just is not going to get you a lot of points. 


c) You CANNOT Draft a Player at our Draft and Then put that Player on your PROTECTED LIST. If you are going to have a Player on your PROTECTED LIST that Player Has to be protected BEFORE the Draft and that Player would of been on your 2023 starting roster.


d) Owners can PROTECT 1 INJURED PROTECTED PLAYER (*IPP) Player that gets Injured DURING the season or BEFORE the Season and you don't want to lose that player. A Injured Player MUST be out for TWO games or more. ( 1 PLAYER ONLY )




f) If This INJURED comes back ANYTIME BEFORE the 8th Week you CAN KEEP that INJURED in your INJURED PROTECTED PLAYER list if you want to keep him, or Replace him on your starting roster and drop ANY other player you want at that position only.


g) Owners also can PROTECT 1 OUT FOR SEASON player if that Player gets INJURED BEFORE WEEk 8. You can replace that OUT FOR SEASON PLAYER if he gets INJURED before 8 weeks of the season


*You can't keep this INJURED Player as Protection you have to decide if he comes back from injury before the 8th week if you want to KEEP or DROP this injured player.


** ALL MOVES can ONLY be done BEFORE the season and DURING FREE AGENT PERIODS (4th and 6th WEEKS) up to the 8th WEEK of the season. After the 8th week of the season NO MOVES CAN BE MADE.

*These moves DO NOT APPLY to your "HOME TEAM" Players, you already have a Depth Chart for your "HOME TEAM" players.




                                                             RULE  #21


                                            *PLAYOFFS AND CHAMPIONSHIP*


a) 1st and 2nd  and 3rd place teams in each Conference NFC/AFC will be in the playoffs. The 1st place team in each Division (NFC/AFC) will have a bye in the first round of the playoffs. The 2nd and 3rd place teams will play a 1 game playoff game against each other after  on WEEK  16 of the season. 


b) Then on WEEK 17 game of the season The winners (NFC/AFC) of the first round of the playoff games between 2nd and 3rd place teams, will play the 1st place winner that had the Bye, for the Conference Championship game 


c) Winners from each Conference (NFC/AFC) will play in The NFFL VERMEIL Championship Game on WEEK 18 game of the season.







                                                             RULE  #22




                                                 14 PLAYER ROSTER



                                           QB-1, RB-2, WR-2, TE-1, PK-1             7 total



                                               DTEL-2, LB-2, CB-2, FS-1                7 total


1) This is the total roster you will have to use for the playoff games, and The Championship game


2) You can start ANY player on your team, HOME TEAM, or on your HOME TEAMS Depth Chart. If you are using any HOME TEAM players you can use ONLY 1 HOME TEAM player per position. If you have any INJURED players at one position, and you don't have any other players playing at that position, then and ONLY then you can USE 2 "HOME TEAM" players at one position. 


3) You can change your roster for the for the Conference playoff game if you advance, and the championship game if you advance, you don't have to keep the same roster you used for the first playoff game.


4) Your STARTING roster has to be in by 12:00 noon on game days. BUT if you find out after the game starts that a starting player you have in your lineup is NOT PLAYING then you have untill 12:45 to CHANGE that player. If you don't know about a player you have starting is playing or not, THEN and ONLY the COMMISSIONER can put in THE NEXT HIGHEST SCORING player at that posision ONLY, on your team for you to REPLACE that player not starting.


5) HOME TEAMS can use ANY player  from their HOME TEAM or HOME TEAMS DEPTH CHART to play in the playoffs and Championship game. 1 HOME TEAM player per position ONLY (if you are using any HOME TEAM player).


6) You CAN NOT use a player in your PROTECTED PLAYER list on your playoff roster if you haven't brought that player up BEFORE your final roster was in after WEEK 6


***If your team has a INJURED PLAYER, SUSPENDED, or NOT PLAYING that did not start the PLAYOFF game because he was out the COMISSIONER has the power to put in the NEXT highest scoring player (during season) you have on your roster at that position to REPLACED that injured player not Player not playing. If all players are NOT PLAYING in that positions, then the COMMISSIONER will use a player you have on your "HOME TEAM" Depth chart.




Fantasy Points Scoring System 2024



  • Running Touchdowns;   10 points
  • Passing Touchdowns:      7 points
  • Passing Yards:               10 points per 100 yards
  • Rushing Yards:              10 points per 100 yards
  • Wins:                              2 Points per Win



  • Rushing Touchdowns:                10 points
  • Rushing Yards:                           10 points per 100 yards
  • Rushing Attempts:                       1 point per 10 Attempts
  • Receiving Yards:                         10 points per 100 yards
  • Receiving Touchdowns:              10 points
  • 100+ yards Rushing game:        10 points
  • 200+ yards Rushing game:        10 points



  • Receiving Touchdowns:         10 points
  • Receiving Yards:                    10 pts per 100 yards
  • Receiving Catches:                 1 point per catch
  • 50+ yard gain,                       1 play (REC): 10 points
  • Rushing Touchdowns:            10 points



  • PAT Made:                      3 points
  • FG Made:                        5 points
  • 50+ Long Field Goal:    10 points 
  • 60+ yd field goal:         15 points




  • Solo Tackles:           3 points
  • Asst Tackles:           1 points
  • Sacks:                    10 points
  • Fumble Recovery:    5 points
  • Passes Defended:    1 points
  • Interceptions:        10 points
  • Touchdowns:         10 points 

Players Returning Kickoffs, Punts, Offensive Players Recover Fumble for TD,

1) If you have a player that returns kickoff or punts, only a touchdown will count, NO YARDS WILL BE ADDED TO THAT PLAYER...

**15 points will be awared for those players, For Touchdowns ONLY..


                            5 POINTS ADDED TO STANDINGS POINT TOTAL


1) "Home Team" record-5 Points per Win-

*The 5 points per win will be added to points immediately to your team total Points in the Standings ONLY.... 


**NOTE-The 5 POINTS WILL NOT be added on your "HOME TEAMS" total Points on your team page and will NOT be added to your Teams in the OVERALL Standings. The 5 Points added will ONLY be Added to your team in the STANDINGS ONLY...       (new in 2021)







NFFL 2024 Bob Saffo Champion






2023 Angelo Venegoni (DAL)


NFFL Fantasy League will be hiring First Take host Steven A Smith he will be reporting the Game result articles in an e-mail each week in 2024 and beyond.


Stephen Anthony Smith is an American sports television personality, sports radio host, and sports journalist will now join NFFL in 2024 to give his take on all NFFL teams.


NFFL has reached agreement with senior NFFL Insider Adam Schefter to an exclusive multi-year deal, extending one of sports’ most prolific reporter’s tenure with the company. Under the new agreement, Schefter will remain a staple on NFFL's multiple platforms, breaking and reporting on NFFL news year-round, and continue to be a key part of both NFFL’s pregame shows, Sunday NFFL Countdown and Monday Night Countdown.





*Home Of The 11 time Baseball World Series Champion



*Home Of The 2019 Hockey Stanley Cup Champion



*And The Defunct 2000 Football Super Bowl Champion




7 out of 8 Owners in our league were born in St Louis City, 


7 Out Of 8 Owners were born in or around.

         "THE HILL" Neighborhood







         NFFL 2025 NEWS...


In 2024 The league will be staying with our FREE AGENT Periods. We will STILL be having ONLY TWO free agent period again in 2025 season, WEEK 3 and WEEK 6.




Owner Mr Redden would like to move to another location, because he has no ties to the New England area.

Mr Redden WILL be moving his team to The LOS ANGELES CHARGERS.

The NFFL AFC Owners already APPROVED his move to LOS ANGELES. 



               NFFL RUMOR


NFFL Insider Adam Schefter is reportingthat Bengals Owner Mark P would like to move to Kansas City Chiefs in 2025. But Jaguars Owner Andrew who has the BEST Chiefs QB Patrick Mahomes and 3 other TOP KC players, might consider the move ONLY if he can take over Mark's "HOME TEAM" Cincinnati Bengals team.

Stay tune for more updates on this move 





The NFFL will NOT be operating the Month of FEBRUARY, for Winter Vacation 

And also the Month of MAY, for Spring Vacation.


I will be back sending e-mails And Taking Calls starting on March 1st. and June 1st. Thank You for a great season.









All Players Points are taken from these sites:






NFL fantasy sports depth charts (nbcsportsedge.com) 



             NFFL 2021 RULES


DON'T FORGET to go to the rule page to see any changes made in 2022, and also the scoring point system...

Below are the trophy's the league will be handing out. All trophy's will be league owned trophy's, Winners keep the trophy's for a year till the next season winners.

A Championship Trophy and Ring that goes to the winner of the Championship game, will be yours to keep.


*Championship Ring May Change In Color and Style Each Year.




Here is the web site that makes this web site all happen. GREAT WEB Builder to start ANY Project. At only $5.99 a month.




           NFFL 2023


              MILO'S BAR




           CHARLIE GITO'S











            DI GREGORIO'S








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© Angelo Venegoni